How Does Reencle Work?

How Does Reencle Work?

Having Reencle is like having your own digestive wizard – it operates like your tummy but never takes a break, working tirelessly 24/7! 
Similar to all tiny microbes in your gut that digest what you eat.
The specific microbe that drive how Reencle work it’s compost magic is ReencleMicrobe™, named Bacillus.

Human Digestive System

The food is grounded up by the teeth

Gastric Fluid, Enzyme secretion break down food further mechanically and chemically.

Reencle Technology

Food waste is chopped mixed Reencle
with mixing rods

Reenclemicrobe™, Bacillus, breakdown and
transform food waste into compost

Human Digestive System

The food is grounded up by the teeth

Gastric Fluid, Enzyme secretion break down food further mechanically and chemically.

Reencle Technology

Food waste is chopped mixed Reencle
with mixing rods

Reenclemicrobe™, Bacillus, breakdown and
transform food waste into compost

Human Digestive System

The food is grounded up by the teeth

Gastric Fluid, Enzyme secretion break down food
further mechanically and chemically.

Reencle Technology

Food waste is chopped mixed Reencle with
mixing rods

ReencleMicrobe™, Bacillus, breakdown and transform food waste into compost







・好酸球性: 一般的なバイオフレークは強い酸性環境では生きられませんが、Reencleの好酸性の細菌は適応しています。

Properties of ReencleMicrobe™,

  • Endospore-former(Bacillus can survive long period of time even in dry and harsh environment)
  • Has great ability to decompose organic matter such as Carbohydrate, fat and protein
  • Its thermophilic (heat maybe fire emoji) and eosinophilic nature gives very low chance of contamination by other bacteria








*Please refer to above as estimated avg time to break down the above food items.

940+ Churns Every Single Day!

Enhance Aeration Effortlessly

Triple-rod, custom leaf paddle design for consistent blending excellence.

Food Waste Decomposition Test

Tests have been conducted on a variety of food and their time to be fully decomposed by Reencle. And the result? Reencle takes from 2 hours to 24 hours to breakdown most of the food items.

*Please refer to above as estimated avg time to break down the above food items.


皆さんも子供の頃、地域のごみ処理場へ見学へ行かれたことがあると思いますが、毎日たくさんのゴミが処理されています。毎日捨てられているごみは、燃えるゴミ ・燃えないゴミ ・粗大ゴミ ・資源ゴミに分けられ、その後、リサイクル・焼却・破砕・選別などの処理を経て最終処分場に埋め立てられます。



その為、Reencleは環境問題の改善だけでなく、皆様一人一人の生活を今までよりも豊かになっていただくができる製品として、ハイブリッド式生ごみ処理機 Reencle Primeを開発させていただきました。




Reduce Up to 90% of
Food  Waste Footprint

Compared to composting naturally (blue line). The Reencle test comparison shows that adding 1kg (2.2 lbs)
of food waste on a daily basis into both Reencle and natural composting bin, Reencle has the ability to
quickly and continuously decompose food waste into compost despite more food added every day - about
2.2 lbs (1 kg) per day. On the contrary, compost naturally can take up to 2 years fully decompose.

Did You Know?

Not all Composts & fertilizers are created equal.

Reencle’s ReencleMicrobe™ can't
be stopped by
too much acid or salt.

Reencle organic ReencleMicrobe™
is extremely halotolerant and acidophilic, allowing it to work
uninterrupted when tasked with breaking down food waste with high levels of salt or acidity.
ReencleMicrobe™ is derived from food, it is harmless to the human body and to the environment.


Take Composting To The Next Level